Friday, April 15, 2011

Anyone can be Hazare, we want corrupt free India.

CORRUPTION- a word that almost every Indian hates and might have gone through the process once in their lifetime. Everyday we tend to complain, protests, curse about it. But, have we ever thought what is root of this evil which has trapped almost every Indian under its fold. Who is to be blamed for starting this process- is it Government, politicians or we ourselves? lets today just look into the history and find out whats the root cause of it and how can we really eliminate this evil from our society. 

The economy of India from 1950s to 80s was ruled by extensive regulation and License Raj which was called the core of corruption. One of the major problems and obstacles to development that many developing countries face is corruption by greedy, power-hungry politicians. In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non availability of medicines , getting admission, consultations with doctors etc. Grieving families are often asked in Government-run offices to pay bribes to obtain the Death Certificate, which is truly devastating for them as first of all they lost a loved one and secondly they have to pay bribe for what is their right.
Judicial corruption in India is attributable to factors such as "delays in the disposal of cases, shortage of judges and complex procedures. Even the Indian Army, who are our sole protectors have frequently witnessed corruption involving senior armed forces officers from the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force.Indian Police remains amongst the most corrupt departments of government. Even basic functions like lodging a FIR or reporting a theft can not be done without paying bribe to police officials. At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time. To say it in a nutshell, Indians are driven by one strong force i.e. Greed. We can call it Indian or human nature that process of WANT is never-ending. And, as we all know when one gets authority and power than anyone can become uncontrollable. He wants to rule people according to his rules, making money from the elites and disturbing the poor and middle class.

Amidst all ongoing corruption, a man stood up and took initiative to combat corruption- Mr. Anna Hazare, well I am sure he also must have in life gone through a time when he has to surrender before corruption. But, I feel anyone can be Anna, we don't need a name, we just need some steps for Corrupt free India. Like- We have RIGHT TO VOTE, when elections come, don't go for politicians who will promise you 24 hrs water or electricity supply. But go for the one who can really make some change in your life. Yes, you can say that we can only vote when there are elections, before that what we can do? well, we have another power in our hands that is, RIGHT TO INFORMATION, which requires government officials to furnish information requested by citizens or face punitive action. And, along with it Government should also implement RIGHT TO REFUSE to citizens under which if any government official demands bribe for the work, we can straightaway refuse to it and get our work done without any hindrance. 

Corruption is a disease which can be significantly cured by Government but as a common man we can also exercise our rights. Its upon us to decide whether we want to continue living in Corruption bound country or we want a Corrupt free India- which is undoubtedly the need of the hour.

1 comment:

  1. its a dilemma...peer in to it and what you find is that yourself are strangling with same. want to quote here "about 2.5 million small children go to bed without having a morsel of food in their empty stomach". still 37 percent of total population lives below poverty line. 9.4 of total workforce of country is without any job and hardly find itself to meet thier basic requirements...still these unsruplous pepole are looting the enormous wealth of country and the bounty account to about 55 billion dollars, enough to give 2.5 lakh to every indian family.
    Its a big big irony indeed. but would also like to comment as some one has so intelligently said
    "The common man suffers and he suffers more but later he revolts and not with BULLET but with the BALLOT".
